
Krav Maga - KIC Instructor Program

  • KIC is a minimum two-year program that encompasses the CIC and provides additional training
  • A clean criminal record is required; a check must be completed prior to entry into the program
  • All CIC material will be covered, with the addition of both practical and theoretical material that pertains directly to working with children (age-appropriate teaching methodology, classroom management, positive coaching, leadership, program design for children, effective partnership with parents, Krav Maga goals for young practitioners, differences between adult and youth training goals and outcomes, children’s psychology, the use of purposeful games, and more)
  • The minimum requirement for participation (as a prerequisite) is G1 in Krav Maga, and candidates must have completed twice-weekly volunteering in current KMIA kids’ classes for a period of one year prior to entry into the program
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437 219 2544
Canadian Studios
Unit 3
3135 Universal Drive
Mississauga ON
L4X 2E6

10 Planchet Road
Unit 4
Maple ON
L4K 2C8